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WHO: Kids, Pregnant Women and Postpartum Mothers - How To Stay Fit in Covid-19 Pandemic

Now when most of us are home bound due to COVID-19, WHO emphasizes that everyone, of all ages and abilities, should be physically active and that every type of movement counts. Up to 5 million deaths a year could be averted, states WHO, if the global population was more active.

Every move counts towards better health – says WHO on November, 25, 2020 in its Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour  starting the Every Move Counts Campaign

KIDSThe new guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity for children and adolescents. Read about 8 tips on How to Encourage Your Child to Be Physically Active During COVID-19 Pandemic here.

PREGNANCY and POSTPARTUM: The guidelines encourage women to maintain regularly at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity per week, just like all adults.

Regular physical activity contributes to a 30% reduction in gestational diabetes amongst women who are physically active during pregnancy. It's also key to preventing and helping to manage heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and cancer, as well as reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, reducing cognitive decline, improving memory and boosting brain health. 

Devices worn on the wrist or hip that track physical activity are helpful for all, Bull said.

“Monitoring how active you are is very good feedback,” she said. “That is important because we tend to think we might be more active. We tend to underestimate how much time we spend sedentary.”

WHO statistics show that one in four adults, and four out of five adolescents, do not get enough physical activity. 

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