This is plush, the material is soft, it is very warm, recommended for very cold times. It'll keep your baby ultimately warm inside the car and outdoors, when you use your infant car seat as a baby stroller. If you are looking for something to protect your one month old from the cold chill and a lot of wind which makes it feel even colder, this cover is what you need.
If you need it only as a car seat cover to keep your baby warm inside the car during milder winter, please, consider this car seat cover.
It works wonders! You don't have to drag along blankets or have him in bulky coats. It is super easy to install and you'll just love that you don't have to worry about your little one while enjoying the soccer fun with your other little man.
Only warning is to keep checking on baby often as they can get too warm and sweaty. A thin bodysuit/onsie is just fine paired with a hat and socks. Do not overdress baby in this! It does unzip easily on one side so you can allow cool air in quickly is needed.
Sooner or later yur baby will have a diaper leak while in this cozy warmer. Simply run it through the wash. It is very easy to remove and throw in the washer and install again.
You won't only use it in the carseat, but you'll also be using in the stroller when he is a little older.
Brand Name: Orzbow
Gender: Unisex
Age Range: 0-12m
Material: Cotton, polyester, plush
Shipping: FAST /4-14 days/, FREE /10-20 days/
Features: Windproof, snowproof, waterproof
This is so soft and I know it’ll help keep our baby warm when she comes in February. The color is pretty and gender neutral. These seem like a necessity for cooler months. Way more convenient and full coverage than trying to keep a blanket on and safer than using a coat or snowsuit.
I LOVE this item. Back 24 years ago I bought one for my first child and loved it. Then four years later I had my son in February and could not find one anywhere. I was able to find them for my 3rd and 4th children. When my first grand baby arrived I tried to explain to my daughter how wonderful these were. She didn't seem to get it until I bought her this one which she now uses and loves. Perfect item to keep your child warm without having to take them in and out of a coat. Especially since it is not recommended to wear a coat while using a car seat. In my opinion this is a must have during the winter months for any baby/child still in a infant car seat.
Will probably keep it only because I couldn’t find something as nice looking that isn’t covered in fuzzy stuff (I have a skin sensitivity and this one has nice regular fleece inside rather than the faux fur recycled plastic stuff that they’ve decided to put on everything now).
this cover fits perfectly and keeps my baby nice and warm in the cooler months.